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Sheffield Community Makers: Networking

A message from our CEO, Lu:

On the back of our project Ignite Imaginations >> Sheffield Community Makers (supporting creative and community organisations to develop the creative volunteering opportunities for the city) I wanted to reach out to those creative organisations involved and maybe those could be in the the coming year and just have a drink and get together!

It feels like we haven't been able to see one another that much in person the past 3 years and that it would be lovely to do so. And drink some sparkly stuff and eat mince pies!

This is a an opportunity to hopefully reconnect, have a drink and hear what one another has been up to (we get Christmas parties with our staff and colleagues but what about our peers and partner organisations?) I will say something briefly about out Community Makers project and what to expect for next year but mainly its just a chance to see one another!

With some networks re configuring and others completely folding I have felt my own opportunity to connect with the creative sector has been limited this year (so I am being selfish here as I want to see people!). I am emailing this to any creative organisation I know that delivers creative activity in communities- please pass this onto anyone you know (I certainly don't know everyone)! I know this time of year is often hard to get things in but hopefully we can get a few of us together!

I hope you will join me for free drinks and mince pies, festive music, maybe a quiz! Festive jumpers welcome :)

Monday 12th December 4.30-6pm Soft Ground 37- 41 The Moor S1 4DQ you can come along please can you email me back ( with a YES (so we can keep a track of numbers).


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