Safeguarding for delivery of online activities with children, young people and vulnerable adults
This statement is in addition to our safeguarding policy. We will maintain our current safeguarding policy and procedures when providing online sessions, with additional measures enacted as described and as required
For live online delivery with children, young people and vulnerable adults:
Where Ignite Imaginations are the lead organisation:
We will provide clear information to participants, their parents/guardians and/or carers to make sure they understand the benefits and risks of online sessions.
All personal information ascertained as part of a sign-up process will follow all other relevant GDPR organisational processes and policies.
This will include an online agreement signed and agreed, by both the participant themselves (where appropriate) and their parent/ guardians and/or carers. The online safeguarding agreement will outline the expectations of all parties involved on the call including Ignite Imagination’s role and what Ignite Imaginations will provide.
Depending on the particulars of the project, the online safeguarding agreement will include, but is not limited to, a compulsory requirement that Parents/Guardians and/or carer must be present onscreen at all times, consent for the session to be recorded for safeguarding purposes and a second member of staff present (either from Ignite Imaginations or the partner organisation). Parents, Guardians and/or carers will be informed of who to contact if they see or hear anything inappropriate during a session.
If an online session is going to be recorded this will be made clear and explicit consent for this will be obtained. Information will be provided on the purpose and storage of any recordings made.
All communications regarding online sessions for participants will be done via parents, guardians and/ or carers or alternatively via partner organisations’ where they are the primary point of contact and already have permissions and consent e.g. schools/ youth groups etc.
Ignite Imagination’s will only use organisational email accounts or telephone numbers to communicate with parents, guardians and/or carers.
For Ignite Imaginations-led direct online delivery, the primary online delivery platform will be Zoom. Only organisational platform accounts will be used for delivery. Online platforms used will be set up with appropriate privacy sessions and will be appropriate for the target audience.
All parties will be expected to ensure that the background of their space has been considered. All artists and staff delivering sessions must ensure that there is nothing inappropriate or personal visible or audible. This includes appropriate clothing to deliver the session.
All artists and staff present on the call will be DBS checked.
Artists (or an Ignite Imagination’s core staff member) will be expected to introduce any online sessions clearly detailing who is present staff wise and to inform participants’ to not share personal contact details via the platform. To this end, participants will be requested to use first names only for their online platform name.
Ignite Imaginations are committed to providing relevant support and training for staff and freelancers who deliver online sessions on behalf of Ignite Imaginations.
All other quality assurance processes and checks for workshop delivery remains as it stands for in-person delivery.
Where Ignite Imaginations are not the lead-organisation on a live session:
Where Ignite Imaginations are working with partners, if the partner is the lead-organisation and host, other online platforms may be used to deliver. On those occasions, the partner organisation will be the first point of contact for safeguarding including the use of their safeguarding policy and processes.
If a partner organisation is the lead organisation, Ignite Imaginations commits to reading the partners’ safeguarding online delivery policy and ascertaining any additional information in advance of the session.
For online delivery that is pre-recorded:
For all materials for delivery of pre-recorded online sessions, Ignite Imaginations commits to a thorough sign-off process whereby all activities are checked against the relevant safeguarding delivery points above prior to being shared.
The relevant links listed have been used to inform the development of this statement:
Digital Culture Network:
Ignite Imaginations are committed to reviewing this statement on an ongoing basis, as with all safeguarding policies and processes.