As we near the end of 2022, we're taking a moment to reflect on the past 9 months!
Before we share a few statistics from 2022, we’d like to sincerely thank all of our partners, participants, artists, volunteers and colleagues. We’ve enjoyed working on a variety of projects again this year, including our longstanding projects, such as Everyday Stories as well as embarking on exciting new collaborations, such as our recent community exhibition with Efficiency North.
And now, it’s time to share some interesting facts and stats that Lu has collated, about 2022 at Ignite Imaginations. Here goes…
Since April 2022 we have (in our team of 6 part-time staff):
💟 Fundraised over £177,000 for creativity activity within communities
💟 Paid over £40,000 to artists for delivery in the community and spent over £9,000 on quality arts materials.
💟 Worked with over 50 community partners
💟 Worked with over 1600 people
💟 Recruited 6 new board members taking our total to 9
💟 Recruited 6 volunteers, who are past participants, to become part of our new strategic social action group Creative Community.
💟 Launched out Workshops Assistant progression programme for past participants- providing 8 adults paid development opportunities in creative delivery and workshop settings.
💟 Worked with 30 freelance artists as well as providing them with training and development opportunities throughout the year.
💟 Fundraised for and launched our Sheffield Community Makers project on creating better creative volunteering opportunities across the city, working in partnership with VAS and 12 other creative and community partners.
And as our office closes for the festive fortnight, we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all our Season's Greetings and wish you a happy new year!