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Shop local, this Christmas!
We’re proud to work with so many talented local artists, we wanted to do our bit to support them this Christmas. In addition to creating...

Saying goodbye and thank you to trustee, Sue!
The time has come to say goodbye to Ignite Imaginations trustee Sue Ransom. Over the past three years, Sue has been a source of...

Trustee Week - Thank you
It's Trustee Week and we wanted to say a great big THANK YOU to all of our wonderful trustees. As volunteers, they give up their time to...

Create your own Autumn Lantern
We're counting down the days to this years' Autumn Carnival, on Friday 4th November from 4pm in Sharrow. We'd love as many people to take...

Annual Report 2021/22
During 2021-22, we were able to get many of our projects and activities up and running again, returning to in-person and face-to-face...

CEO Celebrates 14 years at the helm!
Here's a #WowWednesday moment from our CEO, Luisa Golob: "This week I have been running the organisation for 14 years! I started on a...

Ignite Imaginations to receive £135,000 from Volunteering Futures Fund
Ignite Imaginations to receive £135,000 in fund to support community volunteering opportunities through UK Government investment Ignite...

Inspiring speakers set to explore The Art of Compassion and Imagination, at upcoming conference.
Ignite Imaginations hosts conference which brings together the creative community with inspiring speakers, for a focus on The Art of...

Thank you and farewell to trustee Oliver Mantell
The time has come to say goodbye to our long-standing Ignite Imaginations trustee Oliver Mantell. Oliver has been with us as a Board...

Annual Report 2020-2021
During the incredibly difficult and disrupted year from April 2020 to March 2021, we were able to adapt our programmes and delivery to...
We often reflect on our projects, future plans and the world! Read our blogs and news below from our staff , artists, volunteers and interns.
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