Our Hopes and Dreams
An exhibition of women exploring their hopes and dreams through art.
Moor Market,
77 The Moor, Sheffield
Thursday 1st March – Friday 9th March
Opening times: Friday- Monday 8:00am - 5:30pm, closed Sunday 3rd March
In partnership with Aid Works, Ignite Imaginations have worked with four groups of women in Sheffield exploring their 'Hopes and Dreams' through the medium of art. The women involved are predominately refugees who have made Sheffield their home, alongside women who were born and brought up in the City. The project aims to bring women together, and highlight the fact that no matter what our backgrounds are, we often share similarities and hold common values.
Free and all welcome
Partners include; Darnall Library, Together Women, Places for Living and South Yorkshire Resettlement Programme.
This project has been made possible by the generous support of the Evan Cornish Foundation and the J G Graves Charitable Trust.
Background to the project:
Inspired by the words of Jo Cox – “we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than that which divides us” – Aid Works fundraised for a project that would bring women together in creative workshops exploring the theme: More in Common – Our Hopes and Dreams.
The workshops, run by Ignite Imaginations bought together women from many different backgrounds to share their hopes and dreams for their own future, and that of their families. Facilitated by professional artists, the women have created some awesome pieces of art which we will exhibit at the event in March.
Both Aid Works and Ignite Imaginations are passionate about undoing the dehumanisation of certain groups in the media, and aim to show the public how much we all have in common, regardless of where we come from.