This year saw the fourth and final year of our project in partnership with sheltered housing scheme ‘Sharing our lives.’ We worked with 20 Residents at Crabtree Grange and Lytton Court housing schemes who chatted about their life with Ignite Imaginations artist Laura Page. Residents went on to develop their own artwork, working with images they had photographed of their respective sheltered housing schemes. They loved creating a collage from the photographs (pictured) After this they continued with the collage theme enjoying decorating various objects plus large letters that spelt out the name of their scheme. All the residents also took part in craft activities such as flower making, sewing, painting, mosaics and decoupage. All of this resulted in colorful and beautiful artwork of canvases and giant letters that will be proudly displayed in the communal areas.
Residents from both schemes said they would love to see us back as they would miss it, one resident Margaret said upon reflection “I didn’t think I had a creative bone in my body, I was only going to come a long to be nosey but I stayed and we’ve really enjoyed it” Another resident said he was proud of how he handled a camera and would love to buy one and pursue photography – he was shocked he didn’t chop people’s heads off!
Our artist Laura who delivered the sessions said that it seemed to do all of the residents some of whom suffered from dementia a lot of good to have the artwork to focus on and to use their creative minds.
We have been thrilled with the results that enabled bright attractive group artworks for display in the schemes. The sessions not only gave the opportunity for residents to apply focus, creative skills as well as learning new skills but were a source of social connection and group purpose which raised self-esteem and satisfaction.