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Fantastic free workshops, part of CU Festival of Fun
We are delighted to bring you three family workshops as part of the Sheffield Children's University Festival of Fun. Although usually we...

Rosie's Reflections
More than the sum of its parts: reflections on working for Ignite Imaginations, by Rosie Carnall, CEO (Maternity Cover) Everything about...

Talking About Our Generation
Talking About Our Generation is a project funded by Age Better in Sheffield and co-produced by Ignite Imaginations and Sheffield’s U3A....

Migration Matters Online Festival
We are delighted to be involved in Migration Matters Online Festival, 15-20th June 2020. We'll be showcasing a new piece of creative...

Good news! Arts Council Emergency funding
In these difficult times we are glad to have some good news to share. We are delighted to say that our application for the Arts Council...

Hey Sheffield, Let's #CreateToConnect
Hey Sheffield Let’s #CreateToConnect Ignite Imaginations is a partner on 64 Million Artists May Challenge 'Create to Connect' - where we...

Bringing creativity to vulnerable families in Sheffield
Creativity packs bursting with art materials are being given out to vulnerable families in Sharrow and Firth Park this week. There are...

Challenge your everyday creativity with #CreateToConnect
The beauty of the 'Create To Connect' Challenges is that they are designed to inspire everyday creativity, you can choose to spend 10...
Impact Report 2019
We are thrilled to share with you our 2019 Impact Report

My Summer with Ignite Imaginations
Before my internship, I was studying English Literature at The University of Sheffield, graduating this summer and it was there where I...
We often reflect on our projects, future plans and the world! Read our blogs and news below from our staff , artists, volunteers and interns.
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